A Soldiers Legacy is about what you do on the battlefield. When a fallen soldier dies the Legacy will be known. The stronger you become the more experience you gain and the name you have chosen will for ever remain... Xbox360: ASL Vexie

leroy willam @Vel0x

Age 31, Male

Whit... Flash?


A Soldiers Legacy Studio

Joined on 11/15/07

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I'M 1st :D hahaa

that menu you made is fucking BEAST bro :D

Hahahah tx man ;( glad you liked it did u look at the rest of my shiiit ;)

Thanks for PMing me about this update. Im really digging the personal style you've added to the madness characters, looking foward to the finished submission

Yeah hahah i've been off fo à long time but i'll do My best but need to make sure school is going well as well ^^ but i'm glad u liked it man :p

Dude this is going to be so fucking awesome

I knooooow hahahhaaa :p

you better get somethin out soon dude lol im still working on mine im gonna unleash 1st 3 episodes instead of just the 1st im on middle of 2nd 1 now so it will take awhile ive got storyline and all but back to the point which is you im eager to see your work cya when it comes out!

Hahaha tnx man yeah i tought about doing tha same when it comes to that but once I get school sort out I should bee back on track since halo reach decided to have a gay max rank cap like 4ever. Witch is pissin ne off but what eva hahah yeah see u around :)

I was wondering what had happened to this. The menu looks amazing. The 0_76 scene looks really cool. I can't wait to see the final product.

Hahah like Zero from magaman would say "It's not over yet" :p yeah it's not over my friend not yet ;)glad you liked it sry thing is that none off these sens will be in the actually film doe "/ sad so that's why i'm willing to share them whit you guys :p

if your gonna do it like im planning to send out 1st couple episodes instead of 1 release a teaser 1st i want to but thats just more work lol anyway your menu is beast from what im imagining your series will be too im looking forward to your work my friend good luck and and all i understand the school thing lol anyway good luck mate ill cya around

Hahaha yeah but not exacly kinds like that i was knda plannin on releasing the 1st then make more then even if the 2nd us done I'll make ppl wait depending when the 2nd is done. Then I'll work on the 3rd or sum n release teasers then later release the 2nd right now is the new look on Jace soon done flash cs5 is giving me a hard time -.- but tnx m8 see you around :D

madness day 2010 already passed

I know.... -.- the film was suppose to be out be i'll hange it a bit anyway it's not like i didn't notice it

I'M last :D hahaa

Looking forward to this movie, it's great that you PMed a bunch of us to let us know about the update. Sorry I didnt comment in FOREVEER, but my computer conviniently crashed when I loaded your page.......................... LOL

Anyways, I'm back now and I cant wait for this movie

Hahahaa yeah took me like sum time to wrrite all this man xD hahaha but now my dad have kinda "banned" me off the Internet but what eva haha I'm now done whit the new look on Jace so if mr sum one haven't banned me I could upload the pic but I'll pm u guys when I get a chance ;] I got soooo much shiit to do school gf madness my xbla clan shiit hahaha but yeah madness is now finally getting and becoming the way I want ;] so let me re draw a bit more n figure out what BG's will fit where n then shouldn't take long ^^ but once I'm on a roll then can I give u guys a new trailer n extra stuff + a official date on the release but tnx n see u soon man :]

hey velox there is a new video which is the multiplayer one and is already released
try it out it could relive some of your stress from work (like making this movie as perfect as you can)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ej0I8IjzM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ej0I 8IjzM</a>
its the new trailer and its on the homepage.
check it out. if not on youtube then its here at: deadfrontier.com =D
ill post the new trailer soon.

Haha u really want me to play the game right :p I don't think I ain't got enough balls to play it xD hahahaa but I can't play it now anyway since I got no Internet my friend but tnx anyway I'll tell you if I change my mind ^^

sup. its been a long time so here is the original video made by the creator himself.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ej0I8IjzM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ej0I 8IjzM</a> or here at deadfrontier.com
ill post the video at my page soon. it will keep your fans busy. ;D

Busy away from me x'( hahahaa

oh shit i didnt know i posted another jeez stupid leave it button -_-

It's ok :pnbet ppl will check it out ^^

That's some wicked stuff. Hope you get it done soon.

Will do just need sum time on finishing up ace n his new suit it's probally the 8-11 time I have redrawn my main character xD haha can't even remember how many times but it's finally getting the look I want ^^ but once that's done I'll start on sum BG's then animation ^^ but tnx m8 happy/ spooky Halloween >:[

I kinda noticed a resemblance between Sparda and XV from Xionic Madness. But either way, this totally kicks ass.

Sparda's main design and inspiration came from MindChamber's madness film Whit my mind's Madness :p


Long time no see Velox. :] And I'm so psyched for this, it's gonna be so amazing xD

Hahahah yeah I know been 2 years hahah ^^' been working so hard now on the polish on Jace n he finished BUT to EPIC to be showed here: yall have to wait now a bit longer ;) but be glad to know that he's finally done and u will see he's normal form soon :P

Don't worry man you can DO EEEEEEEEET!!
Oh any1 else call them fat?

Tnx man glad you got my bak :P


I'm tired so I only skimmed over, besides, the white on black hurts my eyes when they're dry....like now *squints*

hahha it's ok :p

This movie is going to make Tom jizz, and then it's going to make Proxicide's face go something like this:


Two-time Madness Day winner........ Hah, he's not gonna see this one coming!

Haha tnx man i really like n love to hear stuff like that i Will work on the film nos under the holiday i'll start right between 27-30 Dec and I'll record while I'm working for future presentations like "Making of Madness Synothium" but I'll post some clips up while I'm either drawing or doing sum shiit

But if I feel the madness spirit in me I could make a promise to fully complete it and release trailers to keep you guys happy and teased this time I feel more ready then ever to work on it so sit tight n chill

While I do my best tnx again man Happy Christmas n a happy new year :)

are you alive? Super! after seeing the trailer I realized that they do not look like madness style all the time so I have the same tedoby did on his own style characters.
I look forward to your work when I finish

Google translates am because we are often missing when I write something in English

Hahah thank you I just finished watching your film whit Dj-janer i like the general design but I see much more room form improvement ;) But you guys pulled off a great work any way :) Me on the other hand have not really done anything/ finished anything (yet) but still planing on doing it.

Feel free to look around here have a bounce off links off my previous work that was in early testing stages now i'm at my very peak and will work on this HUGE project whit a one person whit me helping whit the story and stuff stick around I'll PM you if I have updated my page or something

Happy holidays and a happy new year! ;)

good. djjaner is working with the pile of that I had done a few effects, and one character (Saboteur) doing the project now, while I took the carpet from Alpha Nuva sprites But as is customary, I rewrote it to suit me (because my sprites are more sophisticated and looking forward for doing so I chose the pattern of the style I could easily do the project as quickly as possible), we see how the soil, but likely to start a project written law in the djjaner (Madness. Chaos)
But I think I still wait for a while. because djjaner cannon on his character. Characters that I look I can use for the project as the main character. I have several of them. so I ask you, is the place I have for other characters would have had their interest (if so I can send something that shows how work on the animation or the pattern of the creation)
yes I saw your last job and I must admit I was created under her katana because I liked processing. Dante itself is an elaborate pattern of the others and I like that you have a good style. I remade himself to anyone but the pattern of the few that's already in my mail.
so I will not talk on it's way too long.
if so pm.
translated by Google (I'm making mistakes in the lyrics)

Hahahah I think I understod the most what you where trying to tell me :) but I encourage people to take more time in there characters and work not just try to rush through and try to make better next time that is why when MD-07 cam out I saw a new style off more detail and a different approach that is looking nothing like previous madness i have seen. That is why when I watch other madness some other artist may not have the time or are not good at simply drawing a new sprite or style. I can fully understand that that is not his/hers fault.

But I just simply grew tired off seeing same style and no improvement on the Madness style itself. So when a saw that MD-07 logo I knew that I would make it work and thanks to Lytzz (Madness pre-loaded) he was willing to give me the sprite off Hank that he mad back in 07. So i am for ever great full that he gave me his own sprite.

I have taken time to make my madness flash film not as you think it would be on guy owning everyone on sight we all have seen it right?

So this is why I am talking my time to get the best ideas out and see what fans like. Heey if they do not like the story and just want to see ownage
Then do not watch my shiiit. Simple but off course there will be Carnage >:D
in HD ^^ hahahah

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