A Soldiers Legacy is about what you do on the battlefield. When a fallen soldier dies the Legacy will be known. The stronger you become the more experience you gain and the name you have chosen will for ever remain... Xbox360: ASL Vexie

leroy willam @Vel0x

Age 31, Male

Whit... Flash?


A Soldiers Legacy Studio

Joined on 11/15/07

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What I have Done....

Posted by Vel0x - December 24th, 2008

Sup Homies!
-[It's Your Boy Velox aka Leroy!]-

Ok Listen It's Been a loooooooong time sens I have Uppdated my new's so I'll tell yall what I have done aiiight!

1. About Madness Resurrection (M.r)
- I haven't done So mutch on it for some reason but still have made some progress.
The good thing doe is that some scens are starting to come together :D
I'm starting to understandable how to really make this film great, hopefully understandeabel and awssom as yall want it.

-But still I have to dealy the kinda promise time that the shiit was going to be done in new year but I'll try to work onn it over the weekend doe....

- Oh! And I kinda probely need anyone that can make me a great/ awssom madness song for the film aiight just PM me if u are good on that shiit.

- What more can I say......Hmmm..... Yhea I'm also working on my secret project hehe. I'll give u more Info when I know 4 sure the shiit is getti'n done aiight :P otherwise u might get disappointed on me and I don't want that shiit :P heheh

- One more thing guys! I have Finally made my NEW officially logo tell me if u can read it right ok I really need to know pefore I publish/ use it in any of my films.

- I'll leave yall whit one thing a VIP M.r PiC ; )


To watch my logo in animation/ action go to:
http://vel0x.deviantart.com/art/Aeon-S tudio-Epic-Design-107357642

What I have Done....


1st comment yay dude this looks really awesome cant wait for it to come out. Can I read it kinda i think it says lma or somthing bai bai

Yhea ur lucky! hehe tnx man I hope u will like it.... What do u mean? :P

i mean the logo(if thats the logo) at the bottom right part of the picture

No that's not the logo homie that's some quality buttons :P heheh it's like this


Witch means/ stands for the quality man :P heheh it's just the font that looks like that :P

oohhhh thats the quality well weres the logo

Hehehe My logo is my user PiC and my banner :P heheh

umm i checked out your page. and i think its pretty cool. LoL

Really? :O Tnx man ; ) hehehe

Bloody, gory and bloody. Oh, and your Logo and such are bright, not that it's a bad thing.

But it's hard to read the buttom right area. But it still looks fantasable.

Tnx man I'll try to fix that part ; ) hehehe it should say:

Aeon Studio Epic Design
But is it hard to read the font style of the logo? :P

nice job with detail! i cant wait for this! probably cant do u a song right now, lifes in the way :(

Aiight man Tnx anyway it's ok :P just PM me or some shiit when u gott time aiight ; )

omFg it look SOOOOO COOL!

Hahaha Tnx man :P Try to be one of the best u know heheh :P

can't read, it but looks cool!

Aiight I really gotta fix that :P heheh

sry can not do a song my computer suck so sry, and................MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Tnx Man :D heheh MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! 2 u 2 man ! :D


Heheh :D?

Love your series can't wait lookin good so far

Tnx man :P the VIP PiC is the oppening scene that u will see NEo in :D heheh that's his first scene heheh :P

oh and btw your logo is pretty shweeet

Hahah tnx man ; ) ´Have u seen it in animation? go 2 the link below the new's :P

Thats some good new, and a cool Logo. I Like it a lot!
So whats the secret project? C'mon tell us!
Anywho keep up the good work man hope you keep working on M.r!

Tnx man I really appreciate your tought's and comment man :D heheh and NO not yet as I said I don't wanna dissapoint yall If the shiiit dosen't finish aiiight :P hehe

that means you rock!

Hahaha :D Heheh TNX man! :D

ur welcome (LisTinG to MuSic) LoL

Aiight :D hehehe

nEW gROUNDS is closing in may 3rd 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bad news!!!!
bad news!!!


Not u just the bad new's : \

hectic this is gonna rule

Really :D heheh tnx man

the guys look pretty DEAD :D
but also great. good to hear you are still working on it, even if it's going to have some delay.

Tnx :D i'm glad that u think so man heheh tought yall where gonne be pisst! XD hahaha

I think I'll add your xbox account

Aiight ;D hehe

sUP hOmIE...

Sup! man :P

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