Sup Yall here we go again..... Sry but I bring u some REALLY! Bad news's....and some little good news's
1st of all I know Madness Resurrection has been delayed for almost a year. I know that many has been kept on asking me the same question over and over again. The main Q that everyone have is this one:
When will Madness Resurrection release?:
Now I said back on MD-08 that it should be out on winter... never happened then summer 'nope still nothing' and now what?. So what I can really say is that it's good that the Project has been delayed for several reasons and they are:
1. Over the time I started to realize that the only reason I ever released the trailer was cuzz I wanted to show people my madness version and story.
2. One thing that is also taking much time now is drawing... Drawing and detail is something that I really LOVE seriously. So drawing a completely new Madness style that have never been tested before is really hard to animate whit.
3. I noticed yet again later on that the so called "muscle body" was a bit to wide so I change it a bit so they won't look to fat like others say -.-' anyway.... I also tested new ways to make the head turn 360 and after a while it worked so now I won't need those old 6-5 angled head's. So now my character's can look around normally and smoothly, I also did draw back the old style of the body's cuzz not everyone can be buffed up will look to odd u know -.- I manage to do the same thing whit the body's on the old school one as whit the head. I can tell pain in the as and worked nicely now in the end.
4. Now the secret stuffs: I never ever had a solid story line on M.r don't know why... THAT'S THE MAIN REASON WHY IT'S TAKING TO FUCKING LOONG. So over several months I tried and tried to came up whit something.... But never did so I canceled the hole shiit (whiteout telling u) cuzz I thought it was hopeless... then one day (sounds like a story hahahah) I remember that my friend Sto0g3 (creator of Maximum Ninja) asked me like a day before I released the trailer if I ever wanted any help. And after waiting for a few days he replayed and was willing to help me whit the main story line.
So over gmail we posted and I told him what I hade and so on and I don't know why but for some reason I felt while talking to him that everything was clear I mean every time this guy told me some of he's Ideas everything started to become much more clear. And later on I almost had a solid storyline all had to fix was the intro and then PANG the shiiit could be done within a few days. So after all that I was so exited and so happy.
So then one day I hade to move whit my mom and dad to a new place and guess what? NO FUCKING INTERNET! They had told us that they was going to fix it and now it has been over 22days I think now they say they are going to fix it until the 16th of august I went mad and fucking crazy! But after like 4 days after we moved in I didn't know what to do.... I couldn't play Gears now (Ain't that a bitch?) so then I just went on flash cuzz I couldn't do much.
5. Now comes the good new's!: (that's all what yall been waiting for haven't u :P haha)
So I had been working on the project and then went back on it to give it a shot I had so much drawing to do that 0.o (I fucking didn't know it was this much shiiit) So I stranded to upgrade every character (again) but I made them look better and more realistic then before and in better quality so was happy :)
Then after that I started a bit on the intro and got stuck cuzz as I said it was a gap between in the intro the rest of the story is written ;) then it hit me again I knew what I hap to do to get away from the mess. So now I'm so close of finishing the intro and starting whit the story line as planned.
Now one of my fans I guess told me that it is best if I release M.r on Md-09 cuzz he told me that I have a much bigger chance of showing of. But the thing is I wanted to avoid releasing it on that day cuzz I'm not for the fame like some people do. I don't want some people to think that 'yeah he released it cuzz it's madness day otherwise he would not have released it' don't think like that ok. Plzz...
So now Madness Resurrection MUST I repeat MUST! Be out on Madness Day 09 22nd of September...... Thank you!
And always gotta let u have something right ;) here's a PiC of my Madness/ Newgrounds sponser tnak that Krinkels (I think wanted people to have in there film) version:
The Pic is kinda fucked up whit the pixels I'll fix it later....
There we go much better :D hahah and I got my Internet back to day yay!
This makes MORE AGNRY!
I mad as fuck my self >:( But now u know I hope u read the hole thing....